My closing keynote begins at time 1:01:25 see below:
Pathfinder Magazine: A companion guide for widows, December 2015 edition on
The article is LIGHT in the December darkness by Patricia Ann Chaffee pages 49-51 This is my interview snippet on page 50. Debbie Pausig is a psychotherapist, certified Thanatologist (counselor on death, dying and bereavement),... author, and Minister of Consolation, for the Family Life Office of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Hartford. She is also a widow. “My faith gives me hope and strength to get through the holidays and year round,” says Debbie. “I think God and I will have a lifelong dance. This ‘dance’ occurs when my strong will chooses to take the lead at times forgetting that God is my ‘partner,’ dancing beside me. When I take the lead in this ‘dance,’ those are the times I struggle most. Life’s stresses and anxieties get the best of me. It is only when I ‘let go and let God’ back in, that I am able to focus, calm down, accept what I cannot change and move forward. It is then, I realize I am not alone. It is through prayers, reflection and giving thanks for what I have that makes me stronger from the inside out. God, grant me the serenity…No truer words help ground me through the holidays.”
On August 20, 2015 I was invited as a guest on the CTV (Connecticut TV) talk show Got Girlfriends. Here are a few photos. Thanks ladies! The interview will be available to view soon.
Please visit them on Facebook and LIKE
Sometimes you need help with life’s challenges. Not to worry. You got girlfriends!,!
Comcast cable viewers in Hamden, West Haven and New Haven should look for GotGirlfriends? on public access TV, channel 26 Wednesdays at 10am and Sundays at 5pm. To view previous guests go to; click on VOD, then click on VOD-CTV (not all shows available).
June 27, 2015 HDSA Annual Convention, Dallas TX - >scroll down to the recorded video: MANAGING MARITAL RELATIONSHIPS IN HD (RECORDED)
2016 with Dr. Ken Doka prominent expert in Grief
A WJMJ-FM Catholic Radio Special Event: Dealing with Grief During the Holidays:
Father John Gatzak and Dave Nagel speak with Debbie Pausig December 27, 2012
01 Grief and Holidays WJMJ-FM 12272.mp3
TV Interview on by Father John Gatzak taped 12/12/12
"That's the Spirit-Holiday Blues" 12/23/12 Interview with Debbie Pausig.
Original Air Date: Sunday 12/16/12