An AffaiЯ Worth Remembering With Huntington's Disease-Incurable Love & Intimacy During an Incurable Illness 10th Anniversary Edition
This book is Debbie’s journey as wife, mother, breadwinner, caregiver and widow/spouse survivor of Huntington's Disease. (HD) It is about creating "Awareness" and giving the families affected by HD a "Voice" to a situation that few understand, including friends, family, co-workers, and the community. HD is REAL and knowledge of the disease and its ripple effect on a family is REAL.
Huntington's Disease is a progressive, life stripping hereditary disease for which there is no cure. LOVE is the most powerful medicine available in living with and caring for a person at-risk and in the throes of it. This is a Love Story that illustrates how a marriage and a family can live, survive and thrive with an illness. Humor, frustration and sadness are just a few emotions experienced by the reader. True Love prevails as this disease bruises and batters a family's spirit. Many gifts are discovered during times of illness. Incurable love and intimacy are two such gifts.
This Anniversary Edition has been updated to reflect her 16th year of grief after her husband’s death.
Original printing 2014
Paperback ISBN 979-8-9912212-1-4
This book speaks to at least four communities, those affected by Huntington's Disease or any chronic, progressive or terminal illness; the spiritual community, those who find strength through faith in the most trying moments; the therapeutic community, those who treat individuals, couples and families affected by illness; and the medical community, those doctors and other medical professionals, whether in primary care or specialists, who treat the patient, their caregivers or other family members of the illness, which can complicate the healing process.
Book Talks & Signings: North Haven, CT, USA
On August 20, 2015 I was invited as a guest on the CTV (Connecticut TV) talk show Got Girlfriends. Here are a few photos. Thanks ladies! The interview will be available to view soon.
Please visit them on Facebook and LIKE
Sometimes you need help with life’s challenges. Not to worry. You got girlfriends!,!
Comcast cable viewers in Hamden, West Haven and New Haven should look for GotGirlfriends? on public access TV, channel 26 Wednesdays at 10am and Sundays at 5pm. To view previous guests go to; click on VOD, then click on VOD-CTV (not all shows available).
August 18, 2015: It's official!!! An Affair Worth Remembering With Huntington's Disease is now posted on the HDSA.ORG website.
Now listed in the Southern Connecticut State University (SCSU) Alumni Magazine
Summer 2015 issue page 35
Copy and paste the link below
The “Freshman 15 16” of Grief Losing My Forever Love & Finding My Way
Ten years ago, Debbie Pausig took a chance and self-published her first book, An AffaiЯ Worth Remembering With Huntington’s Disease. It was where she took us through the caregiver’s journey of her love story entangled with the incurable, Huntington’s Disease. It was a journey many caregivers related to, no matter what the disease, because it is all about love.
The “Freshman 15 16” of Grief begins when Huntington’s Disease took the life of her husband and now reaches a larger audience. Debbie extends out to those who have not only lost a spouse through death. The journey traverses’ other losses and unexpected growths during the midlife + aging process that have occurred in the 16 years after the death of her forever love. This is a timeframe that is full of both expected and unexpected changes: Widowhood, single parenthood, returning to school, unemployment, pet loss, career reinvention, menopause, becoming an adult orphan, relocation, adult children, travel, fun, learning, gratitude, friendships and the general aging process to the Medicare age of 65. That is the progression of her life.
Real and raw, sad and humorous, this book validates the power and resilience of the human spirit. And the grace and mercy that God bestows on us as we learn to live without those loved ones who have died. And the ability to adapt to the constant changes in life.
Paperback ISBN ISBN:979-8-9912212-0-7